
Centre for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR)

中心目标 Vision

提供立足语言测评,探索语言能力发展规律,服务语言教学过程的高质量语言教育与测评研究。To provide high-quality research in language education and assessment, to unveil the mechanism of language proficiency development, and to provide solutions for language teaching, learning and assessment.

中心宗旨 Missions

从个体、社会、技术等多层面,针对个体、学校、地区和国家面临的语言教育和评估问题展开研究。To address language education and evaluation issues among individuals, schools, regions, and countries from the individual, social and technological perspectives.

动态语言能力系统理论为基础,注重语言能力动态发展进程,注重交叉性学科研究,推进语言教育与测评同教育心理、专业学习、现代技术、文化、人类发展核心技能等领域相融合的研究。To conduct interdisciplinary research into language learning progress from the lens of the Dynamic Language Ability System (DLAS), to promote research that integrates language education and assessment with educational psychology, knowledge construction, modern technology, culture and other generic skills critical to human development.

注重理论发展+实证检验+成果应用三条支柱,致力开发有益于解决现实问题的语言教育与测评项目。With theory advancement, empirical verification, and research application as our action codes, we strive to undertake language education and assessment projects which are of theoretical and practical significance.  

为语言教育与测评研究者提供合作交流平台,就研究主题发掘、项目申报、成果发表和推广应用积极展开协作。To provide a platform for researchers in language education and assessment to collaborate with researchers across fields such as educational psychology and artificial intelligence in external grant bidding, research and publications.

为研究生提供科研实践机会,助力研究生交叉学科课程建设。To provide research opportunities for graduate students and to facilitate the development of interdisciplinary curriculums.  

中心主任 Director

