

王春岩WANG, Chunyan

Associate Professor

Email:  wangchunyan@suibe.edu.cn



Wang Chunyan is an associate professor at the School of Languages, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics. Her research focuses on English for academic purposes (EAP) teaching, and especially in EAP writing. The trajectory of academic language development, learning strategies, motivation and scaffolding methods are all under her observation. Recently she is interested in studying the cognitive loading for academic writing tasks, the complex relationship between cognitive loading and self-regulation strategies, and efficiency of EAP teaching for different individuals.


Selected publications 

1) 王春岩. (2019). 全球20所大学学术英语能力内涵调查及对我国的启示. 解放军外国语学院学报(3), 56-63. 

2) 王春岩. (2018). 不同英语水平学生对学术英语课程适应度的研究. 上海对外经贸大学学报(04), 89-97.

3) 王春岩, & 杨翠萍. (2017). 学术写作中体裁意识的培养与语体特征的转变. 中国外语教育,(1), 31-37.

4) 王春岩. (2016). 经济学学术语篇中名词词组对比研究:从结构到语义. 中国ESP研究(1), 16-27.

5) 王春岩. (2010). 任务中的学习机会和价值. 山西大学学报(哲学社会科学版), 33(1), 56-59.


Inviteds Talks

1) Wang, C. (2021, May). Who is learning effectively: the moderation effect of reading proficiency on PBL writing. Plenary speech to CEAPA-BALEA International Conferences, May 28-May 29, 2021, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpoor University, Suzhou, China

2) Wang, C. (2018,May).Applicability of EAP for students of mixed English levels. Plenary speech to The 5th CEAPA Conference, May 4-May 6,2018, Taiyuan University of Technology, Taiyuan, China
