

姚涓涓 YAO,Juanjuan




姚涓涓,上海对外经贸大学外语学院教师,硕士生导师。上海外国语大学英语语言文学本科、硕士和博士。2019年获得国家博士后全额奖学金赴美国宾夕法尼亚大学高等教育学院学习(暂未出行),师从Ryan S. Baker。研究兴趣为语言测试、教学法和学习分析。主持省部级项目、委局级项目5项(其中2020年教育部项目在研);在语言测试及外语教学领域发表论文7篇;在省部级英语教学比赛获奖2次;论文获奖2次。


Juanjuan Irene Yao, a Bachelor, Master and Doctor of English Language and Literature in Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), is a teacher of English at School of Languages, Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE). In 2019, she was awarded a full national post-doctoral scholarship to study at the Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania under the supervision of Professor Ryan S Baker.

Her research interests include language testing, pedagogy, and learning analytics. She has presided over 5 provincial or bureau-level projects and published 7 papers in the field of language testing and foreign language teaching. She won award in one National English Teaching Contest in 2019 and one award in Shanghai Innovation Teaching Contestin 2021. Her papers have won awards for twice.


Selected publications

1) Huang, Z.H., Ni, J., Yao, J.J. Etc.(2020). Social Group Recommendation with TrAdaBoost. IEEE Transactions on Computational Social Systems, 7 (5), 1278-1287.

2) Zheng,W.Y., &Yao,J.J. (2019).Integrating Big Data into College Foreign Language Teaching: A Prediction Study of CET6Scores.[J] Technology Enhanced Foreign Language Education.90-95.

3) Yao,J.J.(2019). Literature Review of Formative Assessment Theory . [J] Business English Teaching and Research.

4) Chen,S.T,& Yao,J.J. (2017). A Case Study of Students’ Needs Analysis Based on Online Survey --- Taking Students of International Relations of SISU as an Example [J]. College English Teaching and Research. 28-37.
