

1) 项目名称:中国基础教育外语学习者学习进程研究及自动诊断报告平台的创建.负责人:蔡雨阳. 项目来源:SUIBE创新科研团队孵化基金. 金额:13. 2020-2023.

Project Title: An investigation of the Learning progressions of Chinese foreign Language learners in the K-12 educational system and the development of an automatic diagnosing and reporting platform. PI: YuyangCai. SUIBE Incubation Fund. Amount: 130,000 CYN, 2020-2023.

2) 项目名称:基于教育数据挖掘的商务英语网络学习行为与情感形成性评价研究.负责人:姚涓涓. 项目来源:教育部人文社科青年项目。金额:8. 2020-2023.

Project Title: A formative assessment study on Business English Online Learning Behavior and Affection Based on Educational Data Mining. PI: Juanjuan Yao. Funded by Humanities and Social Sciences Youth Fund of the Ministry of Education, Code: 20YJC740081. Amount: 80,000 CYN. 2020-2023.

3) 项目名称:动态语言能力系统的开发。负责人:蔡雨阳。项目来源:上海市“东方学者”研究基金. 金额: 40. 2019-2022.

Project Title: Development of the Dynamic Language Ability System, funded by The Program for Professor of Special Appointment (Eastern Scholar) at Shanghai Institutions of Higher Learning, 2019-2022. PI:Yuyang Cai. Amount: 0.4M CYN, 2019-2022.

4) 项目名称:英汉翻译课程思政元素梳理与融入研究、英汉翻译课程在线教学组织策略研究.负责人袁帅. 项目来源:上海高校青年教师培养资助计划项目. 金额:4. 2020-2021.Project Title: Ideological and Political Education Elements of English/Chinese Translation Courses; Organization Strategy of Online Teaching of English/Chinese Translation Courses, funded by Shanghai University Young Teacher Development Scheme. PI: Shuai Yuan. Amount: 40,000 CNY. 2020-2021
