上海对外经贸大学语言教育与测评研究中心(CLEAR)2021年系列讲座 -- 中国英语学习者词块能力的评测和诊疗体系



On Oct 21 and Oct 22, 2021, the Centre for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR) held a seminar series entitled “Assessment and Diagnostic Analysis of Chinese EFL learners’ Phraseological Competence”. The invited speaker was Professor Huang Kaisheng from Zhongnan University of Economics and Law. This series comprised two sessions: the first session reported a corpus-based study of lexical bundles performed by Chinese EFL learners, and the second report focused on the analysis of syllabus, textbooks, students and teacher surveys. Professor Cai Yuyang (Director of CLEAR) chaired the two sessions. The seminar room was crowded by about 40 teachers and graduate students from the School of Languages.


1021日第一场报告的主题为“中国英语学习者词块能力的测评体系­­—基于语料库的研究”。报告中,黄教授首先向广大师生解释了词块能力研究的背景和意义,并着重从心理认知的角度论述了词块能力对于二语学习的重要性。接着,黄教授深入分析了短语学研究领域中对词块概念各种不同的定义,提出应当关注不同术语中体现出的共同特征, 并将这些术语按照层级进行分类。基于对中国英语学习者口头和写作语料的定量和定性分析,发现高年级相比低年级学生在两种语体中的词块使用在数量上有极大提升,但在词块使用的多样性和准确度上并无显著进步。此外,他还将中国学习者语料同美国和英国大学生语料进行对比,发现中国英语学习者与英语本族语学生所使用词块的频率均值以及高频、低频词块的分布均不一致。基于这一发现,黄教授认为中国学习者词块使用的地道性欠佳。

The first session was entitled “Chinese EFL learners’ lexical bundle performance: a corpus-based descriptive study”. Professor Cai opened the first session with a warm welcome to Professor Huang. During his talk, Professor Huang first gave a comprehensive review of the concept of phraseology, and then argued for the importance of studying phraseology from the psychological and cognitive perspectives. Given the inconsistency in defining the concept of phraseology, Professor Huang proposed a hierarchical approach to classify existing definitions. Subsequently, he reported a corpus-based study which he conducted to compare the lexical bundle performance by junior and senior English majors. The results showed that senior students tend to use more lexical bundles, but have not achieved a significant qualitative gain.

Besides, the study also compared lexical bundles use by Chinese students with that by native English speakers. The results showed that the two populations differed in the average frequencies as well as the distribution of high-frequency and low-frequency lexical bundles. Drawing on the result, Professor Huang cautioned that Chinese EFL learners need to be aware of the nativeness in their lexical bundle performance.  



The second session was entitled “Chinese EFL learners’ phraseological competence: a multi-dimensional diagnostic analysis”. Before the talk, Dr. Lei Chunlin, the associate dean of School of Languages extended his sincere appreciation to Professor Huang’s visit. During the talk, Professor Huang gave a detailed introduction to the rationale of the study, the study design and data analysis. The results showed that both the curriculum and the textbooks fail to provide explicit, effective instruction on lexical bundles. The results of the survey indicated that both the phraseological awareness and learning resources are closely related to the instruction and production of lexical bundles. Based on the findings, Professor Huang prescribed constructive suggestions on effective training of L2 phraseological competence, so as to ensure a balanced development on the fluency, complexity and accuracy of their language output.



Professor Huang’s research encapsulated his over-one-decade achievement including his HKU doctoral project, North Arizona University visiting project, and his ongoing project funded by National Social Science Fund of China. Professor Huang’s inspiring sharing received enthusiastic responses from the audience. During the final hour of each event, the audience raised questions and discussed with Professor Huang on various issues, such as the validity of his lexical bundle performance model, the potential of combining corpus-based approach with text mining and behavioral research, questionnaire design, etc. In the end, Professor Cai closed the event by highly appreciating Professor Huang’s thought-provoking talks and a call for potential collaboration between Professor Huang and CLEAR members in the near future.  



Prepared by Yan YANG, Qianwen GE
