青年学者论坛:The myth of primary students’ self-regulated English vocabulary learning leveraged by the mobile app with a self-regulation scheme


1120日晚,香港教育大学青年学者杨茵(在读博士)应语言教育与测评中心(CLEAR)邀请,在腾讯会议线上平台为我校师生做了题为The myth of primary students’ self-regulated English vocabulary learning leveraged by the mobile app with a self-regulation scheme的学术报告。报告由CLEAR中心主任蔡雨阳教授主持,我院雷春林副院⻓、上海外国语大学国际教育学院金慧院长出席。来自我校、上海外国语大学、兰州大学、首都医科大学等学校共计四十余名师生参加了本次讲座。

Invited by CLEAR, Miss Yin Yang gave an online seminar entitled The Myth of Primary Students' Self-Regulated English Vocabulary Learning Leveraged by the Mobile App with a Self-regulation Scheme on November 20. The talk was chaired by Professor Yuyang Cai, director of the CLEAR. The audience included Dr Chunlin Lei (Associate Dean of School of Languages), Professor Hui Jin (Dean of Faculty of Education of Shanghai International Studies University). Besides, the seminar was crowded by more than 40 teachers and doctoral and master’s students from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai International Studies University, Lanzhou University, and Capital Medical University.



The seminar kicked off by Miss Yang’s brief introduction to her academic background. Subsequently, the speaker gave a comprehensive review of the impact of mobile phone applications on primary school students’ self-regulated vocabulary learning from three aspects: research background, design of the mobile app, and empirical studies. Yin pointed out that vocabulary learning was central to English language acquisition because words are the basic building blocks of English. However, current vocabulary learning was usually teacher-centered and relied on rote memorization, making it difficult for students to apply what they have learned in class to real-life contexts.

Fortunately, the development of technology has made vocabulary learning more flexible and convenient. On this basis, Yin and her research team (led by Dr Yanjie Song, an associate professor at the Education University of Hong Kong) have developed a mobile App called “Vocab+”. Guided by the self-regulated learning scheme, the App allows students to set their own learning goals, and monitor their learning process. Moreover, the application can provide personalized feedback on students’ learning performance. In this sense, this application can transform traditional teacher-centered vocabulary learning to be student-oriented, thereby better satisfying students’ personalized needs.

Subsequently, Miss Yang introduced two of her empirical studies on mobile applications for primary school students’ self-regulated vocabulary learning. At the end of her presentation, Miss Yang proposed that future studies on technology-based vocabulary learning need to address the dynamic change of vocabulary development. Moreover, she proposed that future longitudinal endeavors need to be guided by modern learning theories such as the Island Ridge Curve (IRC).


During the interaction section, the speaker discussed with the audience on various issues related to technology-enhanced learning asked by the audience from the perspectives of language instructors, language researchers, and students pursing an academic career. After the event, quite a few teachers and students commented that they really enjoyed the talk which was not only interesting but also insightful.


