

1216日,香港大学的胡立如博士应语言教育与测评中心(CLEAR)邀请,在腾讯会议线上平台为我校师生做了题为How to write your first meta-analytic article: Stepping into the invisible writing considerations of a published meta-analysis的精彩报告。报告由CLEAR中心主任蔡雨阳教授主持。参加会议的有来自上海对外经贸大学、上海外国语大学、华东师范大学、香港教育大学、香港大学等高校的教师和硕博士研究生二十余人。

Invited by CLEAR, Dr. Liru Hu from The University of Hong Kong gave an online workshop entitled How to write your first meta-analytic article: Stepping into the invisible writing considerations of a published meta-analysis to our students and teachers on Tencent Meeting on December 16. The lecture was chaired by Professor Yuyang Cai, director of CLEAR. The workshop was swarmed with over 20 teachers and graduate and doctoral students from the Shanghai University of International Business and Economics, Shanghai International Studies University, East China Normal University, The Education University of Hong Kong, and The University of Hong Kong.



Before the lecture, Professor Cai warmly welcomed Dr. Hu Liru. In the workshop, Dr. Hu introduced the concept, steps, and application of meta-analysis in detail based on her published meta-analysis paper and her solid knowledge of meta-analysis theory.


In the first part of this workshop, Dr. Hu explained the definition of meta-analysis and effect size and elaborated on the three steps of meta-analysis writing: specifying key relationships between variables, getting data/studies, and analyzing, providing the audience with a clear and comprehensive understanding of meta-analysis. First, the speaker accentuated the importance of specifying the key relationship between variables for a meta-analysis paper. Besides, she introduced various sources for collecting articles and explained how to set inclusion and exclusion criteriafor screening papers in detail. Lastly, Dr. Hu offered strategies for addressing publication bias and heterogeneity in data analysis.

讲座的第二部分,胡博士用已发表的元分析论文Multimedia Effect in Problem Solving: A Meta-Analysis为例,回顾了从文献综述到讨论结论的每一步研究历程,着重分析了研究方法method的三个阶段——数据收集和选取、编码协议、效应量计算。胡博士对论文的实例分析,逻辑严密、环环相扣,更深层次地促进了听众对于元分析的理解。最后,胡博士鼓励听众使用元分析进行写作,在这个过程中保持孜孜不倦,不畏困难的学术精神。

In the second part of this workshop, the speaker used her published meta-analysis paper Multimedia Effect in Problem Solving: A Meta-Analysis as an example to review each step of the research process, from the literature review to the discussion and conclusion. Besides, Dr. Hu stressed the three stages of the research method - data collection and reduction, coding protocol, and computation of effect size. From the logical and coherent introduction to case analysis, the present audience deepened their understanding of meta-analysis. Finally, they are encouraged by Dr. Hu to apply meta-analysis to writing and to keep an assiduous and dauntless spirit in the face of academic difficulties.


During the interaction section, the speaker shared her experience with the audience who proposed many conceptual and practical questions they confronted with during their meta-analysis research. After the workshop, quite a few attendees leaving messages to express their gratitude for Dr Hu and for the organization of such a practical and informational event.


撰稿:徐修玥 彭晓 朱立萍 王攀 省可可
