上海对外经贸大学(语言教育与测评研究中心/国际商务外语学院)--华东师范大学(心理学系) 研究生团队联合组会


        2023316日下午, 华东师范大学心理系副主任、上海高层次特聘教授姜怡博士带领五位研究生一行六人来到我校松江校区,与我校语言教育与测评研究中心(CLEAR)举行联合组会。中心主任蔡雨阳教授和6名研究生以及国际商务外语学院部分中青年教师参加了组会。国际商务外语学院院长温建平教授亲临现场表达对姜教授一行的热情欢迎并与师生们合影留念。

        On the afternoon of March 16th, the Centre for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR) hosted a joint mentoring meeting in Room 303 of SUIBE library. Dr. Jiang Yi, Associate Head of the Psychology Department of East China Normal University (ECNU), along with five of his graduate students, were invited to attend the event. Also in attendance were Professor Cai Yuyang, Director of CLEAR, six of his graduate students, and several teachers from the School of Languages at SUIBE. Dean Professor Wen Jianping warmly welcome Professor Jiang and his students.


        During the four-hour meeting, graduate students (including teachers) from both universities presented their research proposals and latest research outputs in the fields of language education and assessment and educational psychology. The students engaged in a lively brainstorming session, exchanging their opinions and suggestions. Professor Jiang and Professor Cai commented on each presentation.


        Professor Jiang and Professor Cai agreed that the two universities could collaborate more deeply in language testing and education, education psychology, and jointly conduct academic research and graduate mentoring. They also discussed about sharing high-quality academic resources to foster the development of graduate students and young teachers from both universities. Finally, the two professors held a discussion on promoting in-depth collaboration and communication and reached an agreement on cooperative research, data sharing, and joint hosting of academic conferences.


        The event aimed to promote academic exchange and cooperation between graduate students and teachers at SUIBE and ECNU, providing a platform for teachers and students for both sides for idea and research output sharing. This joint mentoring meeting has generated positive responses among the participating teachers and students. They expressed that the interdisciplinary discussion and collision of thoughts had broadened their perspectives and sparked new research ideas. They expected that more events of such type could be held on a regular base in the future.


        In 2021 and 2022, CLEAR has partnered with multiple universities to host academic training camps. These academic activities have been instrumental in enhancing the quality of graduate education at the School of Languages, resulting in several graduate students having their research papers published in high-impact academic journals. By expanding and deepening our collaborations, we hope to achieve even greater academic success and advanced research on the integration of foreign language education and educational psychology.


Contributed by: Wang Pan

Translated by: Yang Yan
