CLEAR 学术|博雅讲坛:批判性思维能力的测评与培养 Assessment and Teaching of Critical Thinking


2023321日下午,香港中文大学博士、湖南师范大学测评研究中心主任、博士研究生导师杨志明教授应上海对外经贸大学语言教育与测评中心(CLEAR)邀请,在教学楼SD304为我院师生做了主题为 “批判性思维能力的测评与培养”的讲座。本次讲座由CLEAR中心主任蔡雨阳教授主持,我院院长温建平与副院长郭义、雷春林出席,以及我院近30名师生参加了此次讲座。

Invited by the Center for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR), Professor Dr. Zhiming Yang from Hunan Normal University presented a Boya Forum talk on the Assessment and Teaching of Critical Thinking at Teaching Building SD304 on March 21, 2023. Professor Yang obtained his Ph.D. from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He is currently director of the Assessment Research Center and Ph.D. candidate supervisor of Hunan Normal University. Professor Yuyang Cai, Director of CLEAR, chaired the session. Dean of School of Languages Professor Wen Jianping and Associate Deans Dr. Lei Chunlin and Guo Yi, together with a cohort of 30 teachers and students from the School of Languages and other faculties were in attendance.


The seminar commenced with Professor Cai’s warm welcome to Professor Yang, followed by a brief introduction to the speaker’s academic background and research projects. During the seminar, Professor Yang shared his experience working as a measurement methodologist serving enterprises and schools in the United States and China. Based on his rich experience in critical thinking assessment, he provided a profound account of what critical thinking is, how to measure it, and how to cultivate it.


Professor Yang started his talk with ChatGPT as an example. He pointed out that although ChatGPT has the abilities of language comprehension and text generation like human beings, it performs insufficiently in extracting abstract information and logical reasoning. Then he highlighted the importance of critical thinking. As Professor Yang explicated, critical thinking refers to the thinking skills and attitudes of individuals who question and evaluate in terms of purpose, condition, logic, appropriateness, and inclusiveness. It is also a process of information extraction, analysis, integration, interpretation, reflection and questioning, and evaluation. Next, Professor Yang introduced the three classic critical thinking measures, i.e., the Watson-Glass Critical Thinking Appraisal (WGCTA), the California Critical Thinking Skills Test (CCTST), and the Cornell Critical Thinking Test (CCTT).Moreover, he illustrated that recognition, argumentation, and reasoning must conform to logic with some examples.Given the rapid growth of knowledge and serious information pollution, Professor Yang recommended that teachers and students should master critical thinking and learn how to effectively judge the authenticity of information to solve problems.


In the second part, Professor Yang shared a measure of Chinese students’ critical thinking ability recently developed by his team. This measure involves six dimensions: analytical thinking, inference, recognition of assumptions, deduction, interpretation, and evaluation of arguments. All of them were explained in detail to the present audience. Then, Professor Yang described their question item design and sample questions of each dimension and invited the teachers and students to answer and comment.Lively interactions arose between the speaker and the audience, focusing on the judgment of preconditions, reasonable assumptions, tenable conclusions, and relationships between strong or weak arguments and problems,,All these activities deepened the audience’s understanding of critical thinking.


In the third part, Professor Yang reported the results of a few experimental studies that they conducted in Chinese middle schools. The findings showed that students with critical thinking ability tended to attain better academic achievements and that students receiving training made great progress in language ability and achievements in other subjects. In addition, Professor Yang advocated developing students’ critical thinking through approaches such as collaborative and inquisitive intelligence gymnastics.


During the interaction section, Professor Yang patiently and meticulously answered questions asked by the audience. The whole seminar involved various interesting questions and was quite thought-provoking. Through in-depth discussions with Professor Yang, quite a few teachers and students expressed that they were highly inspired.


The Boya Forum sponsored by CLEAR provides a platform for students and teachers to rub shoulders with renowned scholars around the world. The talk by Professor Yang helped the audience to gain a deeper understanding of the assessment and instruction of critical thinking. At the end of the talk, Professor Cai and Professor Wen closed the event and expressed their sincere gratitude to Professor Yang for his enlightening talk. On behalf of CLEAR, Professor Cai invited the speaker for potential collaboration in further research on critical thinking. Professor Wen also stressed the importance of training students’ critical thinking.  


Contributed by: Xu Xiuyue, Wang Pan, Xing Keke, Ge Qianwen
