CLEAR 学术 | 应用语言学前沿系列讲座(2)教育研究中的质性方法



On October 30, 2023, Shuyuan Liu, a doctoral candidate from Queen’s University of Canada invited by Professor Yuanyang Cai, Director of CLEAR, provided an online lecture entitled Qualitative Methods in Education Research for teachers and graduate students from School of Languages, SUIBE. This lecture was chaired by Professor Yuanyang Cai. Over thirty participants attended this lecture in Room SC301.


Before starting the lecture, Ms Shuyuan Liu first introduced her educational background and research interests, which encompass formal learning/informal learning, community-based learning, teaching ELLs across the curriculum and critical pedagogy in TESOL.


Shuyuan proceeded her lecture in four parts. Firstly, she compared the advantages and disadvantages of qualitative research and quantitative research, and detailed three research paradigms. In the following two parts, the lecturer introduced qualitative methods and qualitative data analysis methods. Finally, Shuyuan demonstrated the processes of doing qualitative research through her two case studies.


In the first part of the lecture, Shuyuan actively guided the audience to interact by inviting them to share their opinions on the similarities and differences between qualitative and quantitative research before her elaboration. This led to three core paradigm hypotheses for academic research: postpositivism, constructivism, and ideological/critical paradigm. Postpositivism describes objective facts in the world; constructivism focuses on human perception of the world, while ideological paradigms emphasize policies or ideologies in society. Ms Liu vividly elucidated the characteristics and application fields of each paradigm through rich and interesting paintings and cases.


In the second part of the lecture, the speaker provided a detailed introduction on how to conduct qualitative research. She mainly introduced the precautions for designing interviews, such as listing core research topics for easy review, writing research questions based on the theoretical framework of existing literature, ensuring appropriate interviewees related to research questions, and avoiding setting simple “yes or no” questions. Then, she introduced Kvale’s criteria and three commonly used interview methods: dyadic interview, group interview, and focus group interview.


In the third part of the lecture, the speaker briefly introduced five qualitative data analysis methods. They are content analysis, thematic analysis, document analysis, discourse analysis and narrative inquiry.


In the fourth part of the lecture, Shuyuan provided a detailed introduction to her two case studies. Case 1: Newcomer youth’s co-construction of immigration, racial discourses and identities and Case 2: Social justice and youth project. In case 1, the speaker mainly introduced the research method she adopted, deepening the audience’s understanding of the analysis method in the previous section. Case 2 elaborated on the process of qualitative research.

第二项研究聚焦于教育领域,基于认知公正(cognitive justice)和伦理关联性(ethical relationality)的理论框架,调查了疫情期间加拿大青少年的社会正义的意识。这项研究的参与者为十位年龄在15-17岁的青少年学生。研究者首先进行了一场60-90分钟的焦点小组访谈,随后又进行了每人30分钟的后续访谈。研究者运用主题分析的方法,对焦点小组和后续访谈的录音转录材料用Nvivo进行了分析解读。研究发现,学生在正式学习和非正式学习中所接收到的信息在社会正义问题方面存在很大差异,主要体现在课堂上的社会公正表现和学校被认为是少数族裔青年的创伤空间。该研究启示人们继续支持与非殖民化、反种族主义和反压迫教育有关的专业发展和物质资源、修订关于从历史上处于边缘地位的教师的公平招聘的政策、以及在校内外(如学校和社交媒体)创造非殖民化的道德空间。

The second study focused on the field of education and investigated social justice awareness of Canadian adolescents during the pandemic, based on the theoretical framework of cognitive justice and ethical correlation. The participants were ten adolescent students aged 15-17. The researchers first conducted a focus group interview with 60 to 90 minutes, followed by a follow-up interview of 30 minutes per person. The audio transcripts of the focus group and follow-up interviews were analyzed and interpreted through thematic analysis with Nvivo. Findings showed that there are significant differences in the information received by students in formal and informal learning regarding social justice issues, mainly reflected in the performance of social justice in the classroom and the perceived trauma space of schools as minority youth. This study inspires people to continue supporting professional development and material resources pertaining to decolonizing, anti-racist, and anti-oppressive pedagogies, revising policies on more equitable hiring from the historically marginalized communities of teaching profession, and creating ethical spaces for decolonization within schools and out-of-school spaces such as social media spaces.


Finally, Shuyuan had a Q&A interaction with the audience. She further interpreted the distinctions between content analysis and thematic analysis and induction and deduction. Besides, she provided some tips for interviews involving silent interviewees. At the end of the lecture, Professor Yuyang Cai and the attendees expressed sincere gratitude to Shuyuan Liu for her insightful lecture.


Contributed by Liping Zhu, Xiuyue Xu, Xiao Peng, Keke Xing
