CLEAR 学术 | 应用语言学前沿系列讲座(4)跨文化外语教育新发展研究


2023119日,应上海对外经贸大学语言教育与测评中心 (CLEAR)邀请,上海外国语大学跨文化研究中心主任张红玲教授为我院师生带来了一场主题为“跨文化外语教育新发展研究”的线下讲座。本次讲座由CLEAR中心主任蔡雨阳教授主持,近二十名师生在教学楼SC203 参加了此次讲座。

On November 9th, 2023, invited by the Centre for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR), Professor Zhang Hongling, Director of the Shanghai International Studies University (SISU) Intercultural Institute, delivered an offline lecture themed “New Developments in Intercultural Foreign Language Education”. This lecture was hosted by Professor Cai Yuyang, Director of CLEAR. Nearly 20 teachers and students from our school attended the lecture in Room SC203.


At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Cai Yuyang and all the teachers and students extended a warm welcome to Professor Zhang Hongling. Professor Zhang first shared her latest research experiences and findings in the field of intercultural foreign language education. She pointed out that with the deepening of globalization, the importance of intercultural foreign language education has become increasingly prominent. There is an increasingly urgent need for talents with intercultural communication skills and cultural understanding abilities in modern society.


Professor Zhang emphasized the importance of intercultural foreign language education from several perspectives. Firstly, she introduced the connotation of intercultural foreign language education, highlighting the inevitability and necessity of intercultural foreign language education, as well as the close connection between language learning and culture learning. Professor Zhang pointed out that language learning should involve the understanding of the values, customs, and traditions of the culture to which the language belongs. By integrating language learning with cultural learning, students can better understand and respect the differences between different cultures. Professor Zhang also discussed the relationship between language and culture in foreign language education, which started from an initial cultural subservience to language, then evolved to a state where language and culture were equally important, and it is highly likely that it will further develop into a situation where culture leads language in the future.


Afterwards, Professor Zhang outlined the evolution of intercultural research, making a comparative analysis of the similarities and differences between foreign and domestic research in the 1990s and post-21st century with respect to teaching objectives, teaching content, and teaching methods. For instance, in the 1960s, culture was simplistically categorized into culture-as-aesthetics and culture-as-everyday life. In addition, Professor Zhang also analysed the current problems existing in intercultural foreign language education. For instance, attention needs to be directed towards issues of cultural diversity and research subject needs to be shifted from university students to junior and senior high school students. More specifically, traditional classroom instruction for junior and senior high school students can be augmented with modern technology and resources to provide a richer and more diverse learning experience. For example, students can understand different cultures more intuitively and conduct interactive learning through the use of online resources, intercultural exchange projects and virtual reality technology.


At the end of the lecture, Professor Zhang engaged in active interaction with the audience, providing enthusiastic and detailed responses to the questions posed by the attending students. This lecture offered a valuable opportunity for the faculty and students to gain insights into intercultural foreign language education. Participants found profound inspiration from Professor Zhang’s excellent presentation and got a more comprehensive understanding of intercultural foreign language education. Professor Cai Yuyang once again expressed his sincere gratitude to Professor Zhang on behalf of the CLEAR and the School of Languages. Both sides proposed willingness and expectations for further in-depth communication and cooperation between CLEAR and the SISU Intercultural Institute.


Contributed by ZUO Qiaoling, CHEN Yan, ZHU Liping, PENG Xiao
