CLEAR 学术 | 应用语言学前沿系列讲座(5)社会网络分析与语言教育之交叉研究


20231116日,应上海对外经贸大学语言教育与测评中心 (CLEAR)邀请,上海外国语大学英语学院李茨婷教授及其研究生朱逸琳为我院师生带来了一场主题为 “社会网络分析与语言教育之交叉研究” 的线下讲座。本次讲座由CLEAR中心主任蔡雨阳教授主持,近二十名师生在教学楼SC305线下参加了此次讲座。

On November 16th, 2023, Professor Li Citing and her graduate student Zhu Yilin from the School of English studies, Shanghai International Studies University (SISU), gave a lecture entitled “Adopting Social Network Analysis as a theory and method in language education research” for the teachers and students of our school, at the invitation of Center for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR) of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE). The lecture was hosted by CLEAR director Professor Cai Yuyang. About 20 teachers and students attended this lecture in SC305.


At the beginning of the lecture, Professor Cai and all attendees extended a warm welcome to Professor Li and Zhu Yilin. Professor Li first introduced her research background in the fields of second language pragmatics, second language acquisition and sociolinguistic research. She then explained the interdisciplinary nature of Social Network Analysis (SNA). Besides, she shared essential resources related to SNA including monographs, journal articles, and questionnaires. These resources provide directions for future relevant research for the audiences.


In the second part of the lecture, Professor Li elaborated on the theoretical implications, dimensions, research design, and types of networks of SNA. Professor Li first introduced some basic concepts such as nodes and ties. Then, she delved into commonly used sub-theories such as Strength of Weak Ties, Structural Holes Theory, Homophily, and Social Capital Theory. Next, Professor Li introduced the two major dimensions of social network analysis in detail, namely network content and network structure. Network content includes three core aspects: nodes/actors, actor attributes, and ties; while network structure covers four key aspects: network size, network density, reciprocity, and homophily. Professor Li emphasized the importance of these analytical dimensions for a deep understanding of social networks.


In the third part, Professor Li shared the research design for social network analysis, including key steps such as research questions, unit of analysis, participants, data collection, sampling and boundary specification. She provided a detailed introduction to two types of networks: whole networks and egocentric networks and discussed their respective advantages and disadvantages. Finally, Professor Li summarized a wide range of topics in social network research, including studies in monolingual, bilingual or multilingual contexts, as well as local contexts, study-abroad contexts, virtual space contexts, and teacher development research. Her thought-provoking lecture opened a door for the audience, providing new methods and ideas for language education researchers and students.

 讲座第四部分,上海外国语大学硕士研究生朱逸琳同学介绍了两种社会网络分析软件,UcinetGephi,并且演示了具体的数据分析流程。 此外,她展示了两个软件的优缺点,并建议用Ucinet进行数据计算,用Gephi制作可视化图像。

In the fourth part, Zhu Yilin, a graduate student from Shanghai International Studies University, introduced two software programs for SNA, namely Ucinet and Gephi, and demonstrated the data analysis process. In addition, she presented the advantages and disadvantages of the two software programs and recommended using Ucinet for data calculation and Gephi for visualization.


At the end of the lecture, in response to questions from Professor Cai and other teachers and students, Professor Li and Zhu Yilin used a specific study as an example to discuss how to ask research questions, and how to interpret the findings, further explaining the application of SNA. There was an active interaction between Professor Li and the audience. Professor Li provided detailed answers to the questions raised by the audience. The academic atmosphere was intense, and the participants gained profound academic inspiration from Professor Li's sharing. Finally, Professor Cai Yuyang, on behalf of CLEAR and the School of Languages, once again expressed sincere gratitude to Professor Li Citing and Miss Zhu Yilin. The lecture provided our teachers and students with a new research perspective focusing on SNA. This perspective greatly stimulated attendees’ academic enthusiasm and research interest. The professors express their expectations for more possibilities for future cooperation and exchange between teachers and students of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) and Shanghai International Studies University (SISU).


Contributed by: CHEN Yan, XU Xiuyue, ZUO Qiaoling, WANG pan
