CLEAR 学术研讨会| 量化民族志: 质性与量化研究方法的接口



On the afternoon of December 21st, 2023, the Center for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR) of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE) hosted a blended conferencethemed “Quantitative Ethnography: The Interface between Qualitative and Quantitative Research Methods.” Five graduate students (three from the Department of Education Information Technology of East China Normal University (ECNU) and two from the School of Languages of SUIBEshared their works based on the Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA) approach. Associate Professor Wu Bian from ECNU and Associate Professor Jiang Zheng from Shanghai Normal University were the discussants. Professor Cai Yuyang, Director of the CLEAR, and his graduate student Xu Xiuyue co-chaired the event. Associate Professor Guo Yi, Associate Dean of School of Languages of SUIBE and over 50 teachers and students from universities attended the conference offline and online at SA501.  


The conference convenor Professor Cai and Associate Dean Guoyi expressed their warm welcome to Dr Wu Bian and Jiang Zheng and all attendees. Guo Wenxin, a year-three graduate student in the Department of Education Information Technology, ECNU, kicked off the event with her talk “Understanding Teacher-Researcher Identity Exploration from Course-based Undergraduate Research Experience in Pre-service Teacher Education.” In the report, Guo Wenxin showed how student teachers explore their “teacher-researcher identity” (TRI) under the Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experience (CURE) framework and the impact of CURE on identity exploration. An in-depth analysis of interview data with the epistemic network analysis (ENA) helps her to reveal the evolution of pre-service teachers’ identities. The results showed that, gradually moving from the initial theoretical level to subjective practical experience, the pre-service teachers successfully combine abstract theory with practical teaching experience for collective knowledge generation. This study deepens the understanding of the TRI exploration process of normal university students and provides a valuable reference for designing CURE courses oriented towards specific identity development goals.

 在第二场报告中,华东师范大学教育学部教育信息技术学系的研二学生李凤鸣同学分享了主题为“探究小学生协作问题解决能力的发展: 一项基于5E-STEM学习模型的个案研究”的报告。李凤鸣同学详细介绍了认知网络建模高绩效组在协作问题解决过程中的话语数据,通过对学习模式设计的有效性进行验证,深入探讨了协作问题解决能力的发展动态。她在报告中涵盖了研究设计、数据收集、文本编码以及图表分析等方面。  

In the second report, Li Fengming, a year-two graduate student in the Department of Education Information Technology, ECNU, presented her research “Exploring the development of primary school students collaborative problem-solving skills: a case study based on the 5E-STEM learning model”. Li Fengming introduced the discourse data of a high-performance group in the collaborative problem-solving process in ENA in detail. By verifying the effectiveness of the learning model design, she discussed about the development dynamics of collaborative problem-solving skills. She covered research design, data collection, text coding, and chart analysis in her report.  


Liu Junyang, a year-one graduate student in the Department of Education Information Technology, ECNU, reported on “Research on digital literacy of in-service teacher based on the SAMR framework: a case study of connecting scientific knowledge in primary and secondary classroom practice.” Liu Junyang took two primary school and junior high school science classes on the theme of “Tone”as examples. He used the SAMR model to divide the stages of teachers’ digital literacy development and combined with the EU Teacher Digital Literacy Framework. Subsequently, he used the ENA to compare teachers’ classrooms discourse model.  


Xu Xiuyue, a year-two graduate student from the School of Languages, SUIBE, presented a report entitled “Using Epistemic Network Analysis (ENA) to explore graduate students’ differences in reflective learning.” The study divided students into low-level and high-level groups based on their entry examination scores to explore their differences in reflective learning. Results of the ENA showed that students in the low-level group were more inclined to use existing theories in the reflective writing assignments to support their understanding of real problems. In contrast, students in the high-level group were more likely to directly describe their learning experience and less likely to seek theoretical support.  

 在第五场报告中,上海对外经贸大学国际商务外语学院的研二学生王攀同学分享了以“全英文教学环境下学术写作任务的要求特征分析: 基于认知网络的视角”为主题的研究成果。报告初始,王攀同学对“写作能力”这一概念进行了详细的梳理,接着介绍了从英语体裁、专业知识和思维能力这三个方面对不同专业学生在英语作为主要教学语言(EMI)课程中的写作任务进行了编码。通过认知网络分析(ENA),她揭示了不同专业及不同学习阶段写作任务在英语体裁、专业知识和思维方面的连结和差异。

Wang Pan, a year-two graduate student from the School of Languages, SUIBE, reported on the theme of “Revisiting the requirements of academic writing tasks in EMI programs: a lens from the ENA.” Wang Pan started her report with a detailed literature review on “writing competence.” Then she introduced the data, that is, the coding of 55 writing tasks from two English as the Medium of Instruction (EMI) programs based on three dimensions (i.e., genres, disciplinary knowledge, and thinking skills). Through ENA, she revealed the connections and differences in genres, disciplinary knowledge, and thinking skills among writing tasks across different programs and study stages.  

 每场报告之后,吴忭副教授和蒋政副教授分别对五位同学的报告进行了精彩的点评,并针对现场师生的提问进行了解答。 吴忭副教授更是指出认知网络分析的优点和面临的挑战。最后,蔡雨阳教授代表国际商务外语学院和CLEAR再次向吴博士、蒋博士、及所有报告人致以诚挚的谢意。

After each presentation, Associate Professor Wu and Associate Professor Jiang commented on the reports of the five students and answered the questions from the teachers and students on the spot. Associate Professor Wu also pointed out the advantages and challenges of epistemic network analysis (ENA). In the end, Professor Cai Yuyang once again expressed his sincere gratitude to Dr. Wu, Dr. Jiang, and all presenters on behalf of the School of Languages and the CLEAR.  


Contributed by ZUO Qiaoling, CHEN Yan, XING Keke, XU Xiuyue, WANG Pan
