CLEAR 学术讲座: 写作测评


  202457日下午,澳门大学英语系赵冠芳副教授应上海对外经贸大学语言教育与测评中心 (CLEAR)邀请,为我院师生带来了一场主题为“写作测评”的学术讲座,30名师生在信息楼311参加,本次讲座由蔡雨阳教授主持。

On the afternoon of 7 May 2024, at the invitation of the Center for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR) of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE), Associate Professor Cecilia Guanfang Zhao from the Department of English at the University of Macau, delivered an academic lecture on the theme of Assessing Writing to approximately 30 teachers and students in Room 311 of the Information Building. Professor Cai Yuyang hosted this seminar.


At the outset of the lecture, Professor Cai Yuyang, in the company of the assembled teachers and students, extended a warm welcome to Professor Zhao. Professor Zhao commenced by outlining the current challenges in the field of writing assessment. She then introduced the major concepts of writing and models of language ability over the past century. In her comprehensive review, Professor Zhao identified a discrepancy between writing assessment practice and writing theory and between students' writing abilities and their actual needs.


Professor Zhao highlighted the necessity of developing an assessment method for writing that aligns with educational objectives and writing theories. She posed a thought-provoking question: How do you define writing? Professor Zhao posited that writingshould be process-based rather than performance-based. Furthermore, it is a social construction that requires writers to fully consider identity construction in writing. To comprehensively assess writing ability, Professor Zhao introduced a novel conceptual framework for writing tests. This framework incorporates students’ social cognitive processes into the assessment, thus providing a more realistic picture of students’ writing ability. Furthermore, she proposed that the writing assessment should be guided by a design in which rating tasks not only assess and evaluate students’ written products but also consider their composing process and social aspects.


Professor Zhao then elucidated the information literacy in the writing process in higher education. She stressed students' need to master information literacy throughout the research and writing process. Professor Zhao further discussed the processual features of information literacy. She pointed out that writing tasks activate students’ knowledge base and trigger information needs, prompting their information behaviors, including locating, evaluating, organizing, and applying information, and ultimately creating new knowledge. At the same time, Professor Zhao emphasized the pivotal role of educators in this process. It was paramount for teachers to devise appropriate tasks and assessments as they effectively prompt students to engage in self-reflection and assessment and guide their writing process. Finally, Professor Zhao reiterated the importance of a process-based approach to writing assessments and highlighted the potential challenges encountered during implementation.


During the Q&A session, Professor Zhao had a spirited discussion with the audience. One of the thought-provoking questions is: In the era of the growing prevalence of artificial intelligence (AI), what role should foreign language teachers, particularly those engaged in writing instruction, play in their students’ writing learning? The lecturer posits that teachers should not disenfranchise students from leveraging AI tools like ChatGPT. Instead, educators should facilitate students’ capacity to utilize these tools effectively. Teachers should design writing tasks according to students’ needs, clarify the writing requirements, and guide students appropriately to assist the writing process. Professor Wen Jianping, the dean of the School of Languages, stressed that language teachers should teach the logic of writing and integrate content and language into the writing class. She urged teachers and students to maintain an attitude of lifelong learning and keep pace with developments in the field to avoid becoming obsolete.


In the end, Professor Cai Yuyang expressed his gratitude to Professor Zhao on behalf of the School of Languages and the CLEAR. Professor Zhao's lecture was in-depth and gave the audience a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of writing assessment. This lecture also provided insights into writing teaching and practice.


Contributed by: ZUO Qiaoling, CHEN Yan, XING Keke
