CLEAR 学术 | CLEAR 青年学者参与第二届外语教育学学术论坛



From June 28 to 30, 2024, the 2nd Academic Forum on Foreign Language Education Studies (FLES) was successfully held at Nankai University. Scholars from many famous universities and research institutes across China gathered to discuss the latest theoretical and practical developments of FLES. Young scholars from the Center for Language Education and Assessment Research (CLEAR) of Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE), including young scholar Yan Yang (PhD candidate from the University of Otago) and young scholar Qianwen Ge ( PhD candidate from the Shanghai International Studies University) and Liping Zhu, Keke Xing, Qiaoling Zuo and Yan Chen, master’s students from Shanghai University of International Business and Economics (SUIBE), took part in the symposium and made a presentation entitled "When modern language education theories meet Island Ridge Curve (IRC): A new lens to account for the complexity in foreign language learning".


The symposium was convened by Professor Yuyang Cai and chaired by young scholar Yan Yang, with Professor Wenzhong Zhang of Nankai University as the reviewer. The symposium included six empirical studies using the IRC as the theoretical framework. At the beginning of the symposium, Ms. Yan Yang introduced the theory of IRC. Then she shared with the scholars the study entitled "Island Ridge Curve: A new lens to uncover the interplay between SDL self-efficacy, ICT use, and English reading achievement". The study found that advanced SDL self-efficacy indirectly predicted English reading achievement among medium-proficiency readers, which aligns with the IRC theory.


CLEAR young Scholars Keke Xing and Qianwen Ge from SISU combined the IRC with the context of ICT-based language learning. Based on the IRC, Ms. Keke Xing investigated the potentially varying effects of ICT enjoyment and online English engagement on English language achievement among students with different language proficiency. It was found that ICT enjoyment and behavioral engagement were positively related to online English achievement, but only in the medium-achievers. Ms. Qianwen Ge explored the variation of the relationship between ICT self-efficacy and English reading achievement across different English reading proficiency groups based on the IRC. The results revealed that the relationship between English reading achievement and ICT self-efficacy showed non-linear fluctuation. The two studies further confirmed the validity of applying IRC to ICT settings.


CLEAR young scholars Liping Zhu and Qiaoling Zuo investigated the non-linear relationship between academic emotions and second language (L2) achievement under the theoretical framework of the IRC. Ms. Liping Zhu studied the non-linear effect of test anxiety on L2 achievement. She found that test anxiety produced the largest effect for the medium-proficiency group. Ms. Qiaoling Zuo explored the non-linear effect of foreign language boredom on English achievement. The results of the study showed that boredom negatively predicted the English achievement of low- and high-achievers but had a non-significant effect on the mid-achievers. This finding provided evidence for using IRC to reveal the complexity of the emotion-achievement relationship.


CLEAR young scholar Yan Chen explored the fluctuation of the interplay between self-efficacy and systems thinking in predicting English performance across low-, medium-, and high-proficiency groups. The results suggested that systems thinking fully mediated the relationship between self-efficacy and English test performance, and the mediation of systems thinking was only significant in the medium-achievers, which reflected the thought of "golden centrality" in the theory of IRC.


After the symposium, the scholars present had a warm discussion on the theory of IRC. Some scholars proposed the idea of carrying out qualitative research under the theory of IRC or the combination of qualitative and quantitative research. The academic atmosphere of the scene was strong. Professor Wenzhong Zhang highly praised the performance of the young scholars. He believes that the theory of IRC has strong explanatory power and innovation, and multivariate research can be carried out under the theoretical framework of the IRC in the future. In addition, Professor Zhang pointed out that the research on the IRC should be not only limited to the study of student groups but can be extended to other groups, such as teachers. Finally, Professor Zhang emphasized that the theory of IRC has strong explanatory power. In contrast, Professor Zhang's original theory, the "RightOempower Approach to Education," is more practical, so there are many possibilities for cooperation between the two theories in the future.


Contributed by CHEN Yan, ZUO Qiaoling    
