曼彻斯特大学(The University of Manchester),英国大学中世界排名最高的八大著名学府之一,世界50强顶尖名校,英国著名六所“红砖大学”之首,英国“常春藤联盟”罗素大学集团的创始成员之一,始建于1824年,位于英格兰第二繁华城市曼彻斯特。该校校友中共有25位诺贝尔奖得主。
v 2022年US.NEWS综合排名58位
v 2022 QS世界排名 27位
v 2022年世界大学学术排名(ARWU)38位
v 2022 Times世界大学排名中世界第50名
商学院(简称MBS)是英国最早建立的两所商学院之一,曾一度入选全球十大商学院,其所创的“Manchester Method”(曼彻斯特项目教学法)在世界管理学上与哈佛商学院的“案例教学法”同享盛名。
Accounting and Finance(会计与金融系),该学科2015年QS世界大学金融与会计学科排名世界第18位,也是全英仅有两个六星级(注:六星级是指连续两次在官方科研评估中获得最高5*)的会计与金融系之一,且本科和硕士课程均获得特许金融分析师(CFA)协会认证。
课程学习:组合分析(Portfolio Analysis)、金融衍生工具(Derivatives and Specialized Products),曼大将出具官方成绩单,若通过,则获得我校专业必修课各3学分,共6学分;互抵其他同类型课程,申请时由我院认定。
(3)包含利物浦、约克、伦敦的交通费用以及文化景点的门票(i.e.峰区、High Rope Course、 莎翁出生地、剑桥国王学院和温莎城堡 )具体文化景点以最终发文为准,仅供参考。
v 金融管理学院全日制在校学生
v 各专业三年级及以上(实验班二年级及以上)、研究生
v 中加合作专业、实验班、研究生优先考虑
申请材料可点击阅读原文获取,电子版发送至邮箱konglingyi@suibe.edu.cn,统一命名:曼大项目报名+学号姓名班级,纸质版交至博萃楼112办公室 孔令奕老师处
孔令奕老师 67703052
Week 1 | Sunday 07/07 | Monday 08/07 | Tuesday 09/07 | Wednesday 10/07 | Thursday 11/07 | Friday 12/07 | Saturday 13/07 | |
9:00 -12:00 | 接机 | Opening Ceremony Derivatives Lecture 1 | Derivatives workshops 1 & 2 | Derivatives review sessions 1 & 2 | The Investment Process & Global Market Investment Decision | Portfolio Management review sessions 1 & 2 | Free time | |
Lunch Break |
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14:00 -17:00 | 入住:Sanctuary Studentsl 熟悉周边和大学环境 18.00晚餐 | Derivatives Lecture 2 | Derivatives Lecture 3 | Consultation Hours | Macro Analysis of the Stock Market | Course 2: Homework and Group Study at MBS Library: L3&4 | ||
Week 2 | Sunday 14/07 | Monday 15/07 | Tuesday 16/07 | Wednesday 17/07 | Thursday 18/07 | Friday 19/07 | Saturday 20/07 | |
9:00 -12:00 | 8.30 Day tour to York,the largest medieval church in England, as well as the longest circuit of medieval city walls. And National Railway Museum, York Castle and Clifford’s Tower, Yorkshire Museum and gardens. | Portfolio Management Overview & Multifactor Models of Risk/Return | Portfolio Management workshops 1& 2 | Consultation Hours | Portfolio Management workshops 3 & 4 |
| 8.30 Day trip to Peak District, the first nation park in the UK. including spring town Buxton and UK”s favourite country house- Chatsworth. | |
Lunch Break |
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14:00 -17:00 | Equity Portfolio Management Strategies | Evaluation of Portfolio Performance | Portfolio Management review sessions 3 & 4 | Portfolio Management Assessed Presentations |
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Week 3 | Sunday 21/07 | Monday 22/07 | Tuesday 23/07 | Wednesday 24/07 | Thursday 25/07 | Friday 26/07 | Saturday 27/07 | |
9:00 -12:00 | 8.30 Day tour to Liverpool, the Beatle’s home town. And Cheshire Oaks outlet shopping centre |
| Derivatives Lecture 4 | Derivatives workshops 3 & 4 |
| Derivatives review sessions 3 & 4 | Prepare for exams | |
Lunch Break |
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14:00 -17:00 |
| Derivatives Lecture 5 | Consultation Hours |
| Derivatives Lecture 6 - Assessed Presentations | |||
Week 4 | Sunday 28/07 | Monday 29/07 | Tuesday 30/07 | Wednesday 31/07 | Thursday 01/08 | Friday 02/08 | Saturday 03/08 | |
9:00 -12:00 | Prepare for exams |
| Derivatives Exam | 8.00 Departure to London, via Stratford-upon-Avon, visit the birth place of William Shakespeare, Bicester outlet, then the University of Oxford. Arrive in London Hilton London Kensington | Visit London Business School, Bank of England, Financial District. Half day trip to the University of Cambridge | Visit British Muserum, National Gallery, Buckingham Palace, Westminister | 8.30 Heathrow flight EK002 T3 14.20 back to China | |
Lunch Break |
| Closing Ceremony | ||||||
14:00 -17:00 | Portfolio Management Exam |
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