题目:Can firms that disclose CSR reports attract more foreign investors in an
emerging market?
报告人:余玮 上海对外经贸大学金融管理学院
【论文摘要】This study empirically examines how the corporate social responsibility (CSR)disclosures of Chinese firms helps to attract foreign investors. Results show a strong positive relationship between CSR disclosure and foreign ownership. High levels of CSR disclosure can reduce information asymmetry between enterprises and foreign shareholders, and can attract more foreign investors. Increases in firm-level CSR disclosure over time positively lead to subsequent increases in foreign ownership. The influence of CSR reports on foreign ownership is more pronounced for voluntary disclosure than mandatory disclosure. Additionally, such positive association is strengthened when foreign investors come from common law countries that have high levels of investor protection. Overall, our study provides practical guidance on the impact of non-financial information, suggesting that CSR reporting can help firms in transition economies to enhance their information environment and consolidate a good relationship with international shareholders.
【报告人简介】余玮,上海对外经贸大学金融管理学院副教授,硕士生导师。香港中文大学会计学博士(PH.D. in Accountancy)。2000年起在上海对外经贸大学任教,主要从事公司理财与金融领域的教学与研究工作。主讲课程包括: Cases in Financial Management(财务管理案例分析), Management Accounting(管理会计),Financial Accounting(财务会计)。主持2013年上海市精品课程和2010年市教委精品课程《财务管理案例分析》。 研究领域包括公司理财,公司治理,企业信息披露,企业社会责任和可持续发展,主持并参与多项课题。在包括Review of Accounting Studies、 Journal of International Financial Management & Accounting等国内外核心学术期刊上发表学术文章20余篇。