【 SUIBE思源金融讲坛——学术报告第48期 】:Does Silence Speak? Evidence from Firm Site Visits of Sell-side Analysts




题目:Does Silence Speak? Evidence from Firm Site Visits of Sell-side Analysts  

报告人:孔东民 华中科技大学、中南财经政法大学

时间20171123日下午2:15 -4: 15



This paper examines the information content of unobserved analyst silence after firm-site visits using a unique dataset of analysts’ visits to Chinese listed firms. We find that, 1) Analyst silence negatively predicts firms’ earnings surprises. 2) The effect is more pronounced when analysts face buy-side pressure, compared to analysts without business relationship. 3) Analyst silence negatively signals market reaction to future earnings announcements. 4) Tradable portfolios based on analyst silence generate approximately 5% annual return. Our findings are robust to alternative measures and different specifications. Overall, this study sheds new insight on the informativeness of analyst silence, which is not fully revealed only via public earnings forecasts or stock recommendations.



孔东民,现任职于华中科技大学、中南财经政法大学,担任金融学教授、博士生导师,被聘为“文澜学者”特聘教授和“华中学者”,入选2014年中组部“万人计划(青年拔尖人才)”。他的研究领域包括行为金融、公司金融等,先后主持国家自然科学基金四项,其中三项已经结题,在Review of Finance,Contemporary Accounting Research, Journal of Banking and Finance,《经济研究》、《管理世界》、《经济学(季刊)》、《管理科学学报》等学术刊物发表论文多篇。



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  [2] Kong D., C. Lin, and S. Liu, Does information acquisition alleviate market anomalies? Categorization bias in stock splits. Review of Finance, forthcoming.

  [3] Nartea G., D. Kong, and G. Wu, Do Extreme Returns Matter in Emerging Markets? Evidence from the Chinese Stock Market. Journal of Banking and Finance, 2017.

  [4] Zhang J., D. Kong, and J. Wu, Doing Good Business by Hiring Directors with Foreign Experience. Journal of Business Ethics, forthcoming .







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  [13] 孔东民、刘莎莎、应千伟,公司行为中的媒体角色,《管理世界》,2013,7

  [14] 孔东民、刘莎莎、王亚男,市场竞争、产权与政府补贴,《经济研究》,2013,2

  [15] 孔东民、刘莎莎、黎文靖、刑精平,冷漠是理性的吗,《经济学(季刊)》,2012,12(1)








