题目:Testing the Predictability of U.S. Housing Price Index Returns Based on an IVX-AR Model
时间:2019年6月3日上午10:00 -12:00
报告摘要:We use ten common macroeconomic variables to test for the predictability of the quarterly growth rate of house price index (HPI) in the United States during 1975:Q1 -- 2018:Q2. We extend the instrumental variable based Wald statistic (IVX-KMS) proposed by Kostakis, Magdalinos and Stamatogiannis (2015) to a new instrumental variable based Wald statistic (IVX-AR) which accounts for serial correlation and heteroskedasticity in the error terms of the linear predictive regression model. Simulation results show that the proposed IVX-AR exhibits excellent size control regardless of the degree of serial correlation in the error terms and the persistence in the predictive variables, while IVX-KMS displays severe size distortions. The empirical results indicate that the percentage of residential fixed investment in GDP is fairly a robust predictor of the growth rate of HPI. However, other macroeconomic variables' strong predictive ability detected by IVX-KMS is likely to be driven by the highly correlated error terms in the predictive regressions and thus becomes insignificant when the proposed IVX-AR method is implemented.
报告人简介:杨炳铎博士,2012年在美国北卡大学(夏洛特)数学与统计系获得博士学位,现为中山大学岭南学院特聘副研究员,主要从事金融计量经济学理论与方法研究工作,论文发表于Journal of Econometrics,Journal of Banking and Finance,《系统工程理论与实践》等。主持过国家自然科学基金一项,教育部人才社科一项,省级课题两项。同时担任Journal of Econometrics, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, Econometric Review等刊物的匿名审稿人。
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