姜璐助理研究员英文著作《Beyond Official Development Assistance》在Palgrave Macmillan出版公司出版

文章来源:国际发展合作研究院 作者: 发布时间:2020-01-31 浏览次数:153

Lu JiangBeyond Official Development AssistanceChinese Development Cooperation and African AgriculturePalgrave Macmillan2020

Abstract: This book investigates China’s contemporary development cooperation mentality and modality through the case of its agricultural engagement with Africa. It identifies three models, namely traditional agro-aid, innovative agro-aid and agribusiness models, of Chinese current agro-development cooperation with Africa, and unpacks the different models by tracing their historical origins and examining the actual practice based on project-level fieldwork conducted in Mozambique and South Africa. The book provides a preliminary and qualitative evaluation of China’s current agro-development cooperation with Africa, and explains the ‘implementation gaps’ as observed on the ground adopting a public policy approach. It also compares the Chinese way of development cooperation with that of the traditional donors (particularly the OECD-DAC members), and calls for a broadening understanding for international development cooperation that can allow win-win ideology and embrace diversified cooperation forms beyond the official development assistance (ODA).
