张晓灵,女。2018年进入上海对外经贸大学工作。 2011年毕业于印第安纳大学,获市场营销博士学位。2011-2018年在新加坡南洋理工大学任Assistant Professor和ACI Fellow.华人学者营销协会中国市场营销国际学术年会(CMIC)新零售分会主席. 主讲课程:数字营销,营销调研,市场营销学 研究方向:Shopper Marketing,New Retail,Bayesian Models 主要成果: Zhang, Xiaoling, Shibo Li and Raymond Burke (2018), “Modeling the Effects of Dynamic Group Influence on Shopper Zone Choice, Purchase Conversion and Spending,” Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 46 (6), 1089-1107. Zhang, Xiaoling, Shibo Li, Raymond Burke, and Alex Leykin (2014), “An Examination of Social Influence on Shopper Behavior Using Video Tracking Data,” Journal of Marketing, 78 (5), 24-41. Zhang, Xiaoling, Shibo Li and Raymond Burke (2012), “Modeling the Dynamic Influence of Group Interaction and the Store Environment on Shopper Preferences and Purchase Behavior,” INFORMS Marketing Science conference,Boston University, Boston. Zhang, Xiaoling, Shibo Li, Raymond Burke, and Alex Leykin (2009), “Picking out the Buyers from the Browsers,” INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor. Zhang, Xiaoling, Shibo Li, Raymond Burke, and Alex Leykin (2008), “Shopping path andIn-store Purchase Conversion under Latent Shopping Orientation,” INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, University of British-Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. 联系方式:xlzhang7@suibe.edu.cn