  • 王昕,唐登林.中国企业对“一带一路”国家的投资内因与市场选择——基于环境可持续发展框架[J].国际商务研究,2024,(4):19-32    [点击复制]
  • WANG Xin,TANG Denglin.中国企业对“一带一路”国家的投资内因与市场选择——基于环境可持续发展框架[J].INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH,2024,(4):19-32   [点击复制]
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贵州商学院,贵州 贵阳 550014
本文基于非平衡面板企业数据,实证分析 2007~ 2018年中国 3,981家企业对 45个“一带一路”国家的直接投资。实证结果表明,中国企业 OFDI是在“一带一路”国家环境可持续发展的基础上,以盈利能力为驱动的市场拓展行为。就企业内在属性差异而言,国有企业和科技型企业的 OFDI主要以扩大市场规模为主,民营企业和非科技型企业的 OFDI主要受到商贸效率和市场规模的影响;劳动密集型和污染型企业 OFDI的主要内在驱动源于盈利能力的下降。就经济要素禀赋差异而言,以效率禀赋型地区为分界,企业盈利能力对 OFDI的影响由负转正。就商贸运输渠道和现代化差异而言,商贸企业偏向对“一路”地区展开直接投资,产能转移企业偏向对“一带”地区的直接投资;企业存在通过 OFDI实现科技逆向流出的需求。中国应加速培育企业的本土市场盈利能力,实现高质量共建“一带一路”。
关键词:  企业OFDI  盈利能力  市场环境  “一带一路”国家  环境可持续发展
基金项目:贵州省社科基金“数字经济视阙下贵州加强 ESG体系建设研究”(项目编号:23GZYB36);国家社科基金“基于混合 Copula的中国系统性金融风险测度与稳定研究”(项目编号:18XTJ004);贵州省教育厅“贵州乡村振兴背景下农业企业信用风险因素分析”(项目编号:2022zx007)。
The Internal Factors and Market Selection of Chinese Enterprises’ Investment in Countries along the Belt and Road: Based on the Framework of Environmentally Sustainable Development
WANG Xin,TANG Denglin
Based on unbalanced panel enterprise data, this paper empirically analyzes the direct investment of 3981 Chinese enterprises in 45 countries The Belt and Road from 2007 to 2018. The empirical results show that Chinese enterprises’OFDI is a market expansion behavior driven by profitability on the basis of sustainable environmental development in countries along the the Belt and Road. In terms of the research on the difference of intrinsic attributes of enterprises, the OFDI of state-owned enterprises and science and technology enterprises mainly focuses on expanding market scale, while the OFDI of private enterprises and non-science and technology enterprises is mainly affected by business efficiency and market scale. The main intrinsic driver of labor-intensive and polluting OFDI is the decline in profitability. In terms of the research on the difference of economic factor endowments, the impact of corporate profitability on OFDI changes from negative to positive when the region with efficiency endowment is taken as the boundary. In terms of the study on the differences of commercial transport channels and modernization, commercial enterprises prefer to direct investment in the“the Road”region, while capacity transfer enterprises prefer to direct investment in the“the Belt”region. There is a need for enterprises to realize the reverse flow of technology through OFDI. China should accelerate the cultivation of enterprises’profitability in the local market and practice high-quality joint development of the countries along the Belt and Road.
Key words:  enterprise OFDI  profitability  the market environment  countries along the Belt and Road  environmentally sustainable development

