  • 赵立斌,张梦雪.全球数字服务业技术跨国溢出网络格局的时空演化[J].国际商务研究,2024,(4):83-97    [点击复制]
  • ZHAO Libin,ZHANG Mengxue.全球数字服务业技术跨国溢出网络格局的时空演化[J].INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS RESEARCH,2024,(4):83-97   [点击复制]
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河北大学,河北 保定 071000
关键词:  数字服务业技术  跨国溢出  复杂网络分析  网络格局演化
Global Digital Service Technology Cross-border Spillover Network Patterns Study on Spatial-temporal Evolution
ZHAO Libin,ZHANG Mengxue
Based on the upstream and downstream relationship of global value chain, this paper constructs two types of global digital service industry technology cross-border spillover networks, and explores the temporal and spatial evolution characteristics of digital service industry technology transnational spillover networks using complex network analysis method from the overall, local community and individual levels. The results show that the scale of the two types of spillover networks continues to expand, and the spillover efficiency continues to improve, but the distribution of the networks is not uniform, there are obvious agglomeration effects and“small world” characteristics. The network pattern was dominated by Germany, the United States, the United Kingdom and Luxembourg, and gradually changed to China, the United States, Germany and Luxembourg. Although China has strong direct influence, counter-control and spread influence in the two types of networks, the intermediary control is significantly weaker than that of the United States, Germany and Luxembourg. In terms of spillover paths, China Hong Kong has the largest spillover to Mainland China , Luxembourg has the largest spillover to European economies such as the United Kingdom and Germany. From the perspective of spillover correlation, most Asia-Pacific economies such as China, the United States and Japan belong to the main beneficiary sectors and play the role of“absorbers” in the network, while China Hong Kong, Singapore and most European economies such as Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg belong to the two-way spillover or main spillover plate and play the role of "contributors" in the network.
Key words:  digital service industry technology  transnational spillover  complex network analysis  network pattern evolution

