

  • 何晓波
  • 办公电话:67703871
  • Office:博识楼306
  • 电子邮箱:7752@suibe.edu.cn


2012至今,发表英文论文17篇,其中包括Journal of Environmental Economics and ManagementAmerican Journal of Agricultural EconomicsRegional Science and Urban EconomicsEconomics Letters2篇)、China Economic Review2篇)、Manchester SchoolApplied Economics Letters2篇)、Asian Population StudiesSSCI共计13篇。中文论文发表于《经济学(季刊)》、《劳动经济研究》、《产业经济评论》等杂志。主持教育部人文社科青年基金项目两项、国家自然科学基金青年项目一项,参与国家级和省部级课题多项。现担任Journal of Economic Behavior and OrganizationWorld EconomyAgricultural EconomicsJournal of Economic SurveysChina Economic ReviewReview of Income and WealthIndustrial Relations和《经济学(季刊)》、《管理科学学报》、《系统工程理论与实践》等国际和国内知名学术期刊匿名审稿人,《产业经济评论》执行副主编,香樟经济学术圈上海地区召集人。












1.     何晓波,石成,宗庆庆,2023,《我国城市家政市场的工资:基于街道层面需求数据的证据》,《经济学(季刊)》第5期。

2.   Altaf-Ul Alam, Mohammad and He, Xiaobo. 2022. “Is the discrimination against migrant workers tending towards zero in urban China?”, International Studies of Economics, 17, 65-81.

3.   He, Xiaobo; Luo, Zijun; Zhang, Junjie. 2022. “The impact of air pollution on movie theater admissions”, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 112, 102626. (SSCI/SCI)

4.   He, Xiaobo and Xiao, Fang. 2020. “Unintended consequences of lockdowns: Evidence from domestic helpers in urban China”, Frontiers of Economics in China, 15, 521-540.

5.   He, Xiaobo and Luo, Zijun. 2020. “Does Hukou pay? Evidence from nanny markets in urban China”, China Economic Review, 63, 101509. (SSCI)

6.   Nie, Peng; He, Xiaobo; Sousa-Poza Alfonso. 2018. Child loss and maternal wages in China, Asian Population Studies, 14: 96-112. (SSCI

7.   Fan, Wen and He, Xiaobo. 2017. “Differences in the response heterogeneity of educational attainment and achievement to the same instrumental variable”, Applied Economics Letters, 24: 1315-1319. (SSCI)

8.   Zhu, Hongiia; Deng, Yongheng; Zhu, Rong;He, Xiaobo. 2016. “Fear of nuclear power: Evidence from Fukushima nuclear disaster and the land market in China”, Regional Science and Urban Economics, 60: 139-154. (SSCI)

9.   He, Xiaobo and Zhu, Rong. 2016. “Fertility and female labour force participation: Causal evidence from urban China”, Manchester School, 84: 664-674. (SSCI)

10. Zhu, Rong and He, Xiaobo. 2015. “How does women's happiness respond to retirement? A two-stage analysis”, Economics Letters, 137: 118-122.(SSCI)

11. Wang, Fang; Miao, Degang; He, Xiaobo. 2015. “Did civilian granaries affect social stability? Empirical evidence from the Qing Dynasty (1817-1856)”, Frontiers of Economics in China, 10: 483-508.

12. Nie, Peng; Sousa-Poza, Alfonso; He, Xiaobo. 2015. “Peer effects on childhood and adolescent obesity in China”, China Economic Review, 35: 47-69.(SSCI)

13. Umberger, Wendy; He, Xiaobo; Minot, Nicholas; Toiba, Hery. 2015. “Examining the relationship between the use of supermarkets and over-nutrition in Indonesia”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 97: 510-525.(SSCI&SCI)

14. He, Xiaobo and Sim, Nicholas. 2015. “Does economic growth affect urbanization? New evidence from China and the Chinese National Congress”, Journal of Asian Economics, 36: 62-71.

15. Chen, Shuo and He, Xiaobo. 2015. “Road to success? The effects of road toll on economic growth in China”, Applied Economics Letters, 22: 158-162. (SSCI)

16. He, Xiaobo and Findlay, Christopher. 2014.  “Policy restrictions and services performance: Evidence from 32 countries”, Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy, 5: 14400.

17. Lin, Faqin; Huang, Can; He, Xiaobo and Zhang, Chao. 2013. “Do higher educated entrepreneurs matter?”, Asian-Pacific Economic Literature, 27: 104-116.(SSCI)

18. Zhang, Zhengyu and He, Xiaobo. 2012. “Estimation of a heteroscedastic binary choice model with an endogenous dummy regressor”, Economics Letters, 117: 753-757.(SSCI)

