数字引领时代  智能开创未来
Some   inequalities on cranks of cubic partitions modulo  4 and 62023-03-18Rev. Real Acad.   Cienc. Exact as Fis. Nat. Ser. A-Mat.刘海
A kernel-free   fuzzy support vector machine with Universum2023-01-01Journal of Industrial   and Management Optimization闫辛
Algorithm for   Measuring the Outer Contour Dimension of Trucks Using UAV Binocular Stereo   Vision2022-12-12Sustainability董平
Do the global   grain spot markets exhibit multifractal nature?2022-12-01Chaos, Solitons &   Fractals邵颖慧
LSTM   的季节性修正及在文本情感分析中的应用2022-11-21系统科学与数学刘华玲
A new method   for estimating Sharpe ratio function via local maximum likelihood2022-10-09Journal of Applied   Statistics林红梅
How does   economic policy uncertainty comove with stock markets: New evidence from   symmetric thermal optimal path method2022-10-01Physica A:Statistical   Mechanics and its Applications邵颖慧
Automatic   proofs of some conjectures of Sun on the relations between sums of squares   and sums of triangular numbers2022-10-01The Ramanujan Journal刘海
A novel robust   support vector machine classifier with feature mapping2022-09-24Knowledge-Based   Systems闫辛
Robust Sparse   Reduced-Rank Regression with Response Dependency2022-08-06Symmetry刘关福
Transportation   Inequalities for Stochastic Heat Equation with Rough Dependence in Space2022-06-18Acta Mathematica   Sinica, English Series李瑞囡
Proofs of some   conjectures of Chan–Mao–Osburn on Beck’s partition statistics2022-06-17Revista de la Real   Academia de Ciencias Exactas刘海
Partially   linear functional quantile regression in a reproducing kernel hilbert space2022-05-19Journal of   Nonparametric Statistics林红梅
Robust Optimum   Life-Testing Plans under Progressive Type-I Interval Censoring Schemes with   Cost Constraint2022-05-19Symmetry周晓东
Sketched   approximation of regularized canonical correlation analysis2022-05-18Communications in   Statistics-Theory and Methods林红梅
Probabilistic   time series forecasting with deep non‐linear state space models2022-04-30CAAI Transactions on   Intelligence Technology李文
Research on   Online Emotion of COVID-19 Based on Text Sentiment Analysis2022-04-30Internation journal   of Computational Science and Engineering顾振宇
Sparse   high-dimensional semi-nonparametric quantile regression in a reproducing   kernel Hilbert space2022-04-15Computational   Statistics & Data Analysis李睿
Robust   Estimation of Additive Boundaries with Quantile Regression and Shape   Constraint2022-04-01Journal of Business   and Economic Statistics方艳
Crash-Based   Quantitative Trading Strategies: Perspective of Behavioral Finance2022-04-01Finance Research   Letters方艳
Neyman's   truncation test for two-sample means under high dimensional setting2022-03-01Brazilian Journal of   Probability and Statistics董平
Spatially   discrete Hirota equation: Rational and breather solution, gauge equivalence,   and continuous limit2022-01-15Communications in   Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation赵海琼
A novel   Chinese points of interest classification method based on weighted quadratic   surface support vector machine2022-01-01Neural Processing   Letters闫辛
Additive   functional regression in reproducing kernel hilbert spaces under smoothness   condition2021-12-31Metrika林红梅
Using   differential equation-based models to calibrate agent-based diffusion models2021-12-13IEEE Transactions on   Engineering Management肖宇
Testing   quantitative trait locus effects in genetic backcross studies with double   recombination occurring2021-11-18Journal of Applied   Statistics刘关福
Asymptotic-numerical   solvers for highly oscillatory ordinary2021-10-31Computational and   Applied Mathematics刘忠莉
Transportation   cost inequality for backward stochastic differential equations with mean   reflection2021-10-03Statistics and   Probability Letters李瑞囡
A   Proportional-Egalitarian Allocation Policy for Public Goods Problems with   Complex Network2021-09-22Mathematics董艳侠
Optimal   designs for the prediction of mixed effects in linear mixed models2021-09-13Statistics周晓东
An alternative   approach for order conditions of Runge-Kutta-Nystr?m methods2021-09-07Advances in   Computational Mathematics刘忠莉
广义de   Bruijn有向图的k-元控制集2021-09-06运筹学学报董艳侠
Semi-parametric   homogeneity test and sample size calculation for a two-sample problem under   an inequality constraint2021-09-01Journal of   Statistical Planning and Inference刘关福
Direct local   linear estimation for Sharpe ratio function2021-09-01Canadian Journal of   Statistics林红梅
Simultaneous   confidence intervals for mean differences of multiple zero-inflated gamma   distributions with applications to precipitation2021-09-01COMMUNICATIONS IN   STATISTICS - SIMULATION AND COMPUTATION刘关福
Spatially   discrete Boussinesq equation: integrability, Darboux transformation, exact   solutions and continuum limit2021-09-01Nonlinearity赵海琼
Prediction   Accuracy Measures for Event Time Models with Left-Truncated and   Right-Censored Data2021-09-01Journal of   Statistical Computation and Simulation范彩云
Testing error   heterogeneity in censored linear regression2021-09-01Computational   Statistics and Data Analysis范彩云
Testing   homogeneity in contaminated mixture models2021-08-01Canadian Journal of   Statistics刘关福
Multifractal   behavior of cryptocurrencies before and during COVID-192021-07-16Fractals Complex   Geometry, Patterns, and Scaling in Nature and Society邵颖慧
A two-stage   Bayesian adaptive design for minimum effective dose (MinED)-based   dosing-finding trials2021-07-01Contemporary Clinical   Trials刘关福
High-dimensional   quantile varying-coefficient models with dimension reduction2021-06-29Metrika李睿
Partially   linear single-index model in the presence of measurement error2021-06-19Journal of Systems   Science & Complexity林红梅
Estimation in   quantile regression models for correlated data with diverging number of   covariates and large cluster sizes2021-06-08Communications in   Statistics - Theory and Methods李睿
Stability and   Dynamics for a Nonlinear One-Dimensional Full Compressible Non-Newtonian   Fluid2021-06-01Evolution Equations   and Control Theory刘欣
Mean-Variance   Investment and Contribution Decisions for Defined Benefit Pension Plans in a   Stochastic Framework2021-05-01Journal of Industrial   and Management Optimization赵倩
Optimal   prediction of quantile functional linear regression in reproducing kernel   Hilbert spaces2021-03-26Journal of   Statistical Planning and Inference李睿
Optimal   subsampling  for linear quantile   regression models2021-03-01Canadian Journal of   Statistics范燕
Approximate   nonparametric quantile regression in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces via   random projection2021-02-12Information Sciences李睿
Two-stage   estimation and simultaneous confidence band in partially nonlinear additive   model2021-02-08Metrika李睿
Diagnostic   test meta-analysis by empirical likelihood under a Copas-like selection model2021-02-03Metrika范燕
Optimal   designs for discrete-time survival models with random effects2021-01-08Lifetime data   analysis周晓东
Statistical   Analysis of Progressive Stress Accelerated Life Test for the Product of   Two-parameter Laplace BS Fatigue Life Distribution under Inverse Power Law   Model2020-12-31Journal of Applied   Analysis and Computation顾蓓青
Nonparametric   quantile inference for cause-speci?c residual life function under   length-biased sampling2020-12-10Acta Mathematicae   Applicatae  Sinica. (Englis Series)范彩云
What makes an   online review more helpful:An Interpretation framework using XGBoost and SHAP   Values2020-11-20Journal of   Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research孟园
Sparse   reduced-rank regression for multivariate varying-coefficient models2020-10-15Journal of   Statistical Computation and Simulation李睿
Unicyclic   signed graphs with the first [(n+1)/2]largest energies2020-10-15Discrete Applied   Mathematics朱建明
Does Crude Oil   Market Efficiency Improve After the Lift of the US Export Ban? Evidence From   Time-Varying Hurst Exponent2020-10-02FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS邵颖慧
Asset   Allocation and Reinsurance Policy for a Mean-Variance-CVaR Insurer in   Continuous-Time2020-10-01应用概率统计赵霞
Exponential   convergence in the Wasserstein metric W1 for one dimensional diffusions.2020-09-20Discrete &   Continuous Dynamical Systems – A李瑞囡
Abundance   estimation with a categorical covariate subject to missing in continuous-time   capture-recapture studies2020-09-15Communication in   Statistics – Theory & Methods刘关福
Central limit   theorem and moderate deviations for a class of semilinear SPDEs2020-09-10Acta Mathematica   Scientia李瑞囡
Risk Contagion   in the Banking Network:  New Evidence   from China2020-09-01The North American   Journal of Economics and Finance李莉
Statistical   Analysis of Two-parameter Generalized Birnbaum-Saunders Cauchy Distribution2020-08-31Journal of Applied   Analysis and Computation顾蓓青
Open-loop   equilibrium strategy for mean-variance asset-liability management with margin   requirements2020-08-31Communications in   Statistics-Theory and Methods赵倩
Nonlinear   functional canonical correlation analysis via distance covariance2020-07-15Journal of   Multivariate Analysis李睿
Stable   Portfolio Selection Strategy for Mean-Variance-CVaR Model under   High-Dimensional Scenarios2020-07-05Mathematical Problems   in Engineering赵霞
Homogeneity   testing under finite location-scale mixtures2020-07-02Canadian Journal of   Statistics刘关福
Risk contagion   in the cross‐border  banking network:   Some new evidenc2020-07-01International Journal   of Finance & Economics李莉
A   semi-supervised approach for extracting TCM clinical terms based on feature   words2020-07-01BMC MEDICAL   INFORMATICS AND DECISION MAKING刘亮亮
Time-dependent   lead-lag relationships between the VIX and VIX futures markets2020-07-01North American   Journal of Economics and Finance邵颖慧
Central limit   theorem and moderate deviations for a perturbed stochastic Cahn-Hilliard   equation2020-06-20Stochastic and   Dynamics李瑞囡
Semiparametric   tail index regression2020-06-15Journal of Business   and Economic Statistics李睿
Talagrand's   quadratic transportation cost inequalities for reflected SPDEs driven by   space-time white noise2020-06-12Statistics and   Probability Letters李瑞囡
Hybrid   Runge–Kutta methods for ordinary differential2020-06-09Computational and   Applied Mathematics刘忠莉
A   three-component differential-difference model: Integrability, Darboux   transformation and exact solutions2020-05-15Applied Mathematics   Letters赵海琼
Partially   function linear regression in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces2020-05-07Computational   Statistics and Data Analysis林红梅
Diagnostic   Analytics for an Autoregressive Model under the Skew-normal Distribution2020-05-02Mathematics刘永辉
Lattice-Based   Privacy-Preserving and Forward-Secure Cloud Storage Public Auditing Scheme2020-04-30IEEE ACCESS刘亮亮
The   Time-Dependent Lead-Lag Relationship Between WTI and Brent Crude Oil Spot   Markets2020-04-29FRONTIERS IN PHYSICS邵颖慧
Faster   convergence rate for functional linear regression in reproducing kernel   Hilbert spaces2020-03-15Statistics李睿
The Pricing of   Total Return Swap Under Default Contagion Models with Jump-Diffusion Interest   Rate Risk2020-03-01Indian Journal of   Pure and Applied Mathematics王安娇
Dynamics of   various waves in nonlinear Schrodinger equation with stimulated Raman   scattering and quintic nonlinearity2020-03-01Nonlinear Dynamics赵海琼
Portfolio   selection with regime-switching and state-dependent preferences2020-02-20Journal of   Computational and Applied Mathematics赵倩
Principal   single-index varying-coefficient models for dimension reduction in quantile   regression2020-02-15Journal of   Statistical Computation and Simulation李睿
Domination and   matching in power and generalized power hypergraphs2020-01-30Journal of   Combinatorial Optimization董艳侠
Low Mach limit   to one-dimensional nonisentropic planar compressible magnetohydrodynamic   equations2020-01-30Mathematical Methods   in the Applied Sciences刘欣
Hypothesis   testing for quantitative trait locus effects in both location and scale in   genetic backcross studies2020-01-14Scandinavian Journal   of Statistics刘关福
EM-test for   homogeneity in a two-sample problem with a mixture structure2020-01-01Journal of Applied   Statistics刘关福
Minimax rate   in prediction for functional principal component regression2020-01-01COMMUNICATIONS IN   STATISTICS-THEORY AND METHODS林红梅
