2019-2020 Admission Brochure for International Students Degree Programs (Taught in English)


ShanghaiUniversityofInternationalBusiness and Economics


1.  Enrollment MajorsTaught in English

Undergraduate  Programs: 4 years of schooling



English  Level Requirement

Finance School

International Finance

NativeEnglishspeakersor withEnglish Certificateas TOEFL (at least 80 points)orIELTS(at least 6.0 points)

2. ApplicantEligibility

2.1 Non-Chinese citizen in good health.

2.2ForundergraduatePrograms: Gotten seniorhigh school diploma (orabove).The age is not more than 28 years old. For postgraduatePrograms: Gotten undergraduate degree. The age is not more than 35 years old.

2.3  To meet the corresponding language requirements of the requirements of each major of SUIBE. For details, please refer to the list of enrollment majors.

3.   Application Deadline

3.1  Undergraduate ProgramsJune 30, 2019

3.2  Postgraduate Programs:      May 31, 2019

4.   Application Materials

4. 1 Undergraduate Programs

 ①Application form Please refer to attachment 1)

 ②High school  (or above)diploma

 ③High school (or above) transcripts, including all courses taken in English or Chinese

 ④TOEFL/IELTS certificate (native English speakers do not need to submit it)

       ⑤A photocopy of passport (personal information page)

 ⑥4 passport-size photos (2-inch)

4.2  Postgraduate Programs

 ①Application form Please refer to attachment 1)

 ②Undergraduate (or above)diploma

 ③Undergraduate diploma (or above) transcripts, including all courses taken in English or Chinese

 ④TOEFL/IELTS certificate (native English speakers do not need to submit it)

 ⑤Two letters of recommendation by professors or associate professors(in English

       ⑥A photocopy of passport (personal information page)

  ⑦4 passport-size photos (2-inch)

5. Application Procedure

5.1  Download Application Form for International Students (Degree Programs) on the web: http://www.suibe.edu.cn/sis  orClick hereand Complete the form according to the actual situation of the applicants.

5.2 Send the completed application form and other required documents, by post or in person, to the International Students Office, SUIBE.

5.3Pay application fee . the International Students Officewill start the admission procedure after reviewing applicants’ application form, required documents and application fee. All materials and applications fee are non-refundable. After reviewing all the materials, SUIBE will send Visa application for Study in China (JW202) and Admission Letter to qualified applicants.

5.4 When receive Visa application for Study in China (JW202) and Admission Letter, you can go to the Embassy or Consulate of the People's Republic of China to apply for a student visa.


6.1 Undergraduate Programs

Tuition:40000 RMB/ schoolyear

Application Fee:800 RMB

Insurance:800 RMB/year

6.2  Postgraduate Programs

Tuition:50000 RMB/ schoolyear

Application Fee:800 RMB

Insurance: 800 RMB/year

*If there is a change in insurance premium, the latest notice from the insurance  company shall prevail.

7. Fees payment methods

Please pay the relevant fees to the International Student Office or pay by bank transfer in accordance with the requirements of the Admission Letter.

SUIBE Account上海对外经贸大学

Account number1001739619300009848027396

Bank account:中国工商银行上海松江支行

8. Scholarships

8.1 Chinese Government Scholarships

Pleasevisit ChinaScholarshipCouncil official website


for referenceand application.

8.2 Shanghai Government Scholarships :

Please visit Study in Shanghai official website


for reference and application.

9. Registration procedure

InaccordancewiththerequirementsofAdmissionLetter,registeratInternationalStudentsOffice,pay the insuranceandtuition fees.pleaseproperly keepalltherelevantmaterialsforlaterresidencepermitapplication. Ifregistrationisoverduewithoutanyreason,theenrollmentwillbecanceled;iftheapplicantisunableto registerontime forsomespecialcircumstances,please senda writtenapplicationinadvance togetthe approval fromInternational Students Office andregisterlater.

10. Accommodation and Fees    

According to the actual arrangement of SUIBE, the studyCampus ofinternational studentsis mainly in Songjiang Campus, and somecourses will be arranged in GubeiCampus. The specific notice of SUIBE shall prevail.

10.1 Dorm inSongjiang Campus


Wenhui Road, Songjiang District (Phase 1 Student Apartment)


Bed fees: 2400 RMB/ 1 academic year


Double Room, Bed, wardrobe, desk,Internet and air-conditioner( should be rented), electricity and shower are available with prepaid cards; shared washroom, electricity and shower hot water charges are charged with prepaid cards.

Reservationand  PaymentMethods

Reserveat International  StudentsOfficein  advance,  



Public laundry room and kitchen, school cafeteria, sports facilities.

10.2Dorm inSongjiang Campus


620 Gubei Road,  International ExchangeCenter


Double Room: 120RMB/ per day


Internet, bed, wardrobe, desk, air conditioner, washroom, , shower room

Reservationand  PaymentMethods

Reserveat International  StudentsOfficein  advance,  



Public laundry room and kitchen, school cafeteria, sports facilities.

11. Contacts


Room 409, Vision Building, SUIBE,620 Gubei Road, Shanghai, CHINA


(86-21) 520673955260750252067589









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